What got you into making apps?
Well, I've always been interested in making games for the iDevices, but what really got me started was a class my last term of senior year at Drexel University, in Philadelphia PA. The major there is expanding and they are getting ready to add some new classes to the curriculum. One of those classes is a Web Applications class which is meant to teach HTML5 Web Design specifically for mobile devices. I decided to sign up with my teacher for an independent study where I would do the research, receive class credit and report back with my updates and where I found help online. I really wanted to do a game, but had not done much Javascript before so I wanted to keep it simple. Thus, Elementimals came out of the 10 week course. A few weeks after the course ended, I used Phonegap to help me get the game onto the App Store!
Elementimals is different from all of your other games, what made you
choose a card game?
Looking back on it, you're right; the game is pretty different from my past projects. I think the main reason it's different is that I like to think of games that are designed for the device they are played on. I also like to think of games I am capable of creating =). A card game seemed like a great fit because it allowed me to create some fun art, and figure out a code system all within 10 weeks. I spent the first 5 weeks just making the cards, the backgrounds, the menus and other assets. My friends didn't think I'd get anything done since I didn't program much. After 7 weeks, I only had menus coded. But in one week, I managed to turn the game from a few menus to playable because I had all the assets ready to go. The last few weeks I polished the game up and had a fellow student, Matt Duffy, help me by creating an online score system with his PHP skills!
The game is inspired by Triple Triad from Final Fantasy VII because I always enjoyed it when i was young and wanted to do my own take on it. The premise is fairly simple, but the strategy starts to seep in quickly. I really wanted to take the Triple Triad experience and streamline it. I made bright graphics, clear numbers and made sure the rules were clear. I went with Element Animals (pokemon ripoff I know) because a.) they are fun to draw and b.) they made the most sense for the elemental aspect of the card game. So if I had to explain this game by only using other games, I would say it's Triple Triad mixed with Pokemon mixed with Solitaire. I say Solitaire because they both share that random deal where every game is probably winnable, and its just a matter of making the right moves.
Compared to your other games, how fun was it to make?
Very fun! Javascript is great. My whole game is one script and it was not even too hard to work with. I used Dreamweaver and Photoshop to make everything. I googled when I ran into trouble and I tested the game online with my iPod Touch. It was great to be able to show it to friends while I worked on it, and since it was HTML5 I could send them the link once, and then they could keep checking back for updates if they felt so inclined. By the way, the HTML5 game is still playable on PC here. Getting it into an App was not that complicated thanks to Phonegap. I think that many people who are interested in web design already have the skills to create a fun little app. The biggest thing I would recommend is making sure you think of something that is achievable and would be fun on a touch device.
You seem like you always have a project in the making, what is your latest project?
Well, right now I am getting ready to transition from hobby/student game design into an 8-5 career in it! I am starting at a AAA company next week and am very excited to learn how the big dogs work. I want to absorb as much knowledge as I can. So right now I am finishing up a little PC demake of Super Smash Bros. and then I will be relaxing for a bit while I transition into my new job!
Well, I don't want to let the cat out of the bag, and both Matt Duffy and I have gotten jobs, but I have contacted him about possibly creating a full version of Elementimals. I would love to create the game with user profiles, deck building, multiplayer and in-game purchases (more cards, upgrades etc) We both may not have free time, but I really think there is enough fun in the general design of the game to create a great multiplayer mobile community.
Dan Fornace's website
Super Smash Land site is www.supersmashland.com
Dan Fornace was also interviewed on Retro Kingdom & 8-Bit Girl.
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